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Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:47 am Reply with quote
Joined: 22 Feb 2005 Posts: 54 Location: California
Name or Penname: phoenix or phoenix316 on Wolfsbane


PI Accredited Number: 5068078984

Beta Experience: I began beta reading for HP spring 2005 and have worked with 5 different authors and decided to get into beta reading after having difficulties finding betas.

Writing Experience: Began writing fanfic in other fandoms in 2000, and HP early 2005. I have several stories archived at Occlumency, Wolfsbane, and Pureblood.

Personal Website: Soley Slytherin

Ratings: All

Ships: Preferably the adults. I'm fine with OC/Canon fics as I realize there is a lack of female adult characters. I have recently embraced the LM/HG pairing, but I'm not sure I'm ready for HG/SS. If it is a future fic, I would be open to pairing an adult with a former student.

Categories/Genres: Almost all, though I'm not good at poetry or songfic. I'm probably not a good choice for BDSM just due to a lack of experience in that genre.

Strengths as beta reader: Spelling and grammar are things I'm pretty meticulous about. One may slip by me from time to time, but I catch most of them. I have plenty of resources to look up what I don't know.

I also consider myself pretty good at canon. I think I've been dinged enough on my submissions that I catch almost all the errors in spelling, italicization and capitalization.

Weakness: As an American, I'm not perfect on my Briticisms. I can do either British or American spellings equally as easily, but I miss some idioms.

If you are having a lot of problems with tenses, you need to let me know. Unless someone points it out to me, I have a tendency to let tense changes slide by me. Once it is pointed out, I see the changes quite easily.

Dislikes: Explicit slash, most of the slash stories I've enjoyed are not explicit, or it is a secondary relationship that is more mentioned than explored. I don't think I could helpfully beta a slash scene.

Gratuitous/overly gory torture is not something I really want to read. If there's a good reason for it being there and it's not just for shock factor, I'm fine with it.

Any additional notes: I like to provide explanations with my returned beta work to try to help you as a writer learn why something is done in a certain way. I will be polite and honest, so you need to be prepared for that honesty.

I'm here to help you polish your work. If I see major and repeated formatting and grammar errors, I am likely to return the story without a full read and refer you grammar rules that can help you learn the basics. I don't mind helping the final polish, but I don't like to extensively rewrite another person's work because each person's writing has a distinct voice and my words would look out of place in your work. If you know you have troubles spelling, please, use a spellchecker. I don't mind making the occasional spelling correction as I realize there are homonyms and the infamous fat finger.

I don't mind English as a second language if you feel you have a pretty decent grasp of English. Just let me know so I can provide more explanation for my changes.

PI Badge:

Edit because I forgot to put the number in. Embarassed
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