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Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 6:35 am Reply with quote
Site Admin Joined: 28 Nov 2004 Posts: 475 Location: USA
This list was created with the help of LariLee, she gathered the questions and formatted them so we at Sycophant Hex could answer them and hopefully clear up some issues that are bound to happen with any quality controlled archive.

We always welcome suggestions and questions to be asked so we can improve Sycophant Hex for you and us all around.


Q. Is there a list of validated authors?

A. There is not. Being a validated author is a private matter. It's us saying to an author, "You're very good, and we trust you." Posting lists of the validated authors would put too much emphasis on the process, and it would look like a status symbol, which it absolutely is not.

Q. Is there a process in place to revisit validated authors and make sure they're upholding the quality that the site is known for?

A. Yes, we had begun this process before the SH List was brought to life. It will take time to revisit the authors because the admins are also trying to work the queues and perform a variety of other admin duties.

Q. Recently, some authors who appear to be validated have submitted chapters with multiple errors in them. Is there a process so these can be sent to an administrator for review to see if the validated status should still apply?

This seems to be causing resentment among writers who are not validated and are having their chapters deleted from queue with a list corrections to make and then they see validated authors (or those they perceive to be validated authors) with misspellings, canon errors, or other such mistakes.

A. If there are recently posted stories that appear to not meet SH standard, please email Metamuse at webmistress [at] An admin will look over the story and the appropriate actions will be taken. In most cases, it may just be a letter to the author to fix the mistakes, or it may result in having the submissions screened through the queue for a time.


Q. These are very real concerns because it's hard to maintain the standard of the site if it changes from chapter to chapter depending on who validates it. Is it Firewhisky or firewhisky? Is it pure-blood or pureblood? Should I put a comma in here or not?

A. We are in the process of creating a master list of canon words. If you have a request for a word to be changed but you have seen it as such in one of the books, please list the book, chapter, page number and which edition (UK/US) it appears in. We will gladly accept your submission as is and add the word to our list.

Q. Dialogue concerns. Primarily, why does dialogue have to follow standard English rules? This is not counting the proper punctuation of speech or maintaining Snape's formalized style of speaking. This refers to other characters who may say "ain't" or use speech that does not have a clear subject verb agreement or uses a word improperly.

A. A guide has been set up for more details. The admins go by it and we suggest the authors do also.

Dialogue -

Grammar within the dialogue: how the characters actually speak.

In dialogue, the grammar does not always have to be grammatically correct, but should consistently reflect the speech patterns of each character. Most people do not speak with perfect grammar; they use regional dialects, accents, and local variations; they use slang and vernaculars. In depicting speech, the author should, when possible, not misuse or violate normal punctuation rules except in extraordinary circumstances, in which case the author must add punctuation that will best reflect tonal patterns:

--an exclamation point for loud, excited, or emphasized words (if the author chooses);

--a question mark usually indicates a raise in tone as happens when one asks a question;

--a comma is often thought to indicate a pause or a breath - sometimes, however, if it is placed in an odd position it could create confusion. In this case a dash or ellipsis might be a better choice (avoid correcting run-ons in a dialogue (unless they are extreme), it comes across as nit-picky and may interrupt the speech patterns);

--a dash can serve two functions - to indicate a pause for a breath or staggered speech if the person is not speaking every word - and some authors use it interchangeably with an ellipsis. Either one is acceptable as long as the author's use is consistent.

A comma gives the impression of a quick breath, the dash slightly longer, and the ellipsis is longer still. Ellipses are technically used to indicate missing information. If the author is switching back and forth from a dash to an ellipsis without rhyme or reason, it needs to be corrected; however, if both are used effectively, then let it be.

If there are any questions about dialogue within a story, the admins will try to do the following: If it can be read as correct, leave it alone... if, no matter how it is looked at, it's incorrect, we let the author know.

Unless there is an obvious, recurrent pattern of speech, or a clearly indicated dialect, as in Hagrid's speech, the admins have no way to know if the odd error in dialogue is intentional or not. If an admin points out an error in dialogue that is intentional, just let them know.

Dialogue, grammar and punctuation, i.e. the way the dialogue is formatted within the text, must be correct for acceptance. Frequent or consistent errors will result in rejection, possibly without the chapter even being read in its entirety. There are very specific rules about the correct formatting of speech. They are as follows:

All spoken dialogue is placed within quotation marks (single quotation marks for British and double quotation marks for American). The attribute (explanation of how the dialogue is spoken) is generally linked to the rest of the sentence thus:

"It's a very hot day," panted Hermione. (Note the comma within the quotation marks.)

"What did you say?" asked Hermione. (Note the question mark within the quotation marks and the lower case beginning of the attribute.)

Severus said, "We did not expect to see you here, Miss Granger." (Note the comma after the attribute and the capital letter introducing the spoken sentence.)

There is only a comma within the dialogue when it is linked to direct speech attribution. If the speech is followed by action, or other descriptor, then there is no comma.

Here is an example:

"I hate you!" She glared furiously at him. (Glaring has nothing to do with the act of speaking.)

And another example:

"That is all I have to say." She turned away and walked to the door without another word. (Full stop here because there is no speech attribution.)

Split dialogue:

"What did you say? Are you telling me," he gasped, "that you are pregnant?" (The second speech fragment begins lower case because the sentence is split.)

"What?" he shouted. "You are pregnant? How the hell did that happen?" (The speech attribution separates two complete sentences here.)

"Didn't you just hear her; she said 'I'm pregnant'. What is so hard to understand about that?" Harry asked. (The apostrophe around what some one said indicates dialogue from another character being repeated.)

2). Comma misuse, abuse and inconsistent use.

We have a created a small list for the admins and the authors.

Basic commas rules - a more definite list does not exist; if the admins question one they will consult another admin.

1. Look for commas that are required to separate dialogue from speech attributes. (Ex: "Hi," said Joe.)

2. Look for commas that are required after dependent introductory clauses involving time. (Ex: When that cat purrs contentedly, it feels like the end of the world.) But not when the dependent clause involving time isn't introductory. (Ex: I fondled his lapel before I caressed his socks.)

3. Look for direct address commas on both sides of names and titles. (Ex. "Hi, Joe.")

4. Look for serial commas but don't worry about the one that is or isn't before the 'and'. (Ex. Bread, butter (,) and milk.)

5. Look for half commas; places where the phrase could be in commas or not and the author has put it at one end and not the other.

Ex: The girl who is stroking the gargoyle is in love. [restrictive clause - no comma]
The girl, who strokes gargoyles, is in love. [non-restrictive clause - commas required]
(Examples are from The Transitive Vampire)

6. Inconsistent use of commas in addresses.

7. Do not join independent clauses by a comma. Use a semi-colon instead.

Q. Moderator comments that are either vague, and incorrect or express the mod's personal opinion of the plot.

A. For vague comments, authors are welcome to request clarification. If necessary, please see the "Appeals Process" below.

Regarding the 'personal opinion' of stories: There are two issues here.

One possible issue is the possible dislike an admin may have for a plot or characterization. Just as not every reader will like a story, not every admin will be overly fond of every story. In the interest of posting stories in a timely manner, admins do not make a practice of picking and choosing which stories they admin. They are taken care of in the order they are submitted. There are times when an admin will make tentative suggestions to improve consistency or some such thing, and these are often phrased as such. Sort of a "Please explore this idea; I think it might help you in the long run."

The other issue is one of quality. As we're all aware as readers, there are the odd stories which are completely devoid of plot, or that are SO out-of-character as to be utterly unrecognizable. If you've ever read at an unmoderated site, like or, you've probably seen these in abundance. At Sycophant Hex, stories can be rejected on these premises. If necessary, please see the "Appeals Process" below.

Q. Possible ambiguous grammar rules (such as an 's on nouns or names that end in "s" versus just an ')

A. More examples would need to be given on this question. But to answer the possessive "s" part of it, we accept Severus' book and Severus's book

Because the categories overlap, I am placing questions about APPEALS here as well.

Q. What is the appeals process?

A. The first step is to email the admin who contacted you. Explain your reasoning for what you did and provide all information behind it (books, references and etc). If they stand firm on their correction or decision, you are welcome to then contact webmistress [at] with your issue. When you contact webmistress [at], please be as concise and polite as possible. Remember, they're hearing this issue for the first time. A decision will be rendered as promptly as possible, but please bear in mind that when the queues are busy, time is at a premium. Please be patient with us.

Q. What happens if you appeal an administrator's decision and they won't budge, yet they still are wrong?

A. If you've contacted webmistress [at] and your appeal has been denied, your story will not be posted in its current form. It is then up to the author to make a decision: meet the requirements of the Sycophant Hex (regardless of whether or not you agree with the site standards), or post at one of the other varied archives currently available on the internet. We are not offended if you choose to post elsewhere, and our door is ALWAYS open, should people decide to come back.


Q. What is the policy for banning members?

A. This process is still very new and being developed, though it is safe to say that the decision lies solely with the owner of Sycophant Hex. Opinions will be asked for from other admins who have no part of the 'problem'. An unbiased decision will be made in the best interest for Sycophant Hex.

Q. How long is a member banned when they have broken a rule?

A. This will vary depending on the transgression. Again, the process is still being developed.

Q.Is the decision appeal-able?

A. Yes, but appeals are very hard-won. Bannings are issued in only the most serious of matters, and great thought is put into the issue before a decision is made.

Q. What sort of notice is given before a member is banned?

A. Again, this will vary depending on the transgression. The offender may or may not receive warnings to correct the matter before the decision to ban has been made, but once that decision has been made, the banning is immediate. The offender will receive an email once they have been banned. This is for the protection of Sycophant Hex and its members, to prevent angry individuals from spamming the service or flaming others maliciously in the interim.


Q. The annoyance of having to sign in on every archive instead of signing in just once.

A. There is a way to combine the log in portions of the fanfic archives for a universal log in but it is a complicated and costly process. Metamuse is looking into it and knows when she would like to do it, but the cost of it is another factor that is stopping it from being a reality. There are other upgrades she is trying to accomplish first.

Q. E-mail alerts for chaptered fics do not take you to that particular review.

A. This is in the projected upgrade plans; we want to have a custom alert system made that will work easily with Sycophant Hex.

Q. How are featured fictions picked?

A. Featured stories are chosen by the admins, as it's a fair bet that they've read more stories on the archives than any other individual out there. Fictions are NOT chosen based on personal preference; we attempt to choose fictions based on composition, characterization, and thoroughness.

We also try to choose fictions that have either fallen off the radar, or, by virtue of not being 'fan favorites,' don't get the attention they deserve. Giggles about 'legions of fangirls' aside, it's a universal truth that the favorites are not necessarily the best and vice versa. We attempt to avoid such opinions, ferreting out thoroughly-composed stories.

In hand with that, we try to choose fictions that aren't constantly on the "Recently Updated" list. These stories are already getting a great deal of exposure, between their prominent position on the website and the update notices that many authors post to various mailing lists. If a new, consistently-updated story catches our notice, we will try to keep it in mind for featuring once it's been completed.

If authors feel that a story deserves recognition, the best way to make us aware of it is to recommend it to other readers on the Sycophant Hex mailing list, to recommend it in your journal, or email webmistress [at] with suggestions.

Q. Can reviews that are thinly disguised flames be removed? Especially when the reviewer has made multiple reviews belaboring their position.

A. If the reviewer is spamming the story with bad reviews, please notify an admin. Such behavior is nothing more than an attempt to sabotage the star rating of a story. However, if there are 'bad reviews' with which the author simply does not agree, there will be no action taken. Authors are welcome to comment in response to these, and we encourage saccharine-sweetness and overt cooing. Thank them profusely. It's fun! Wink In all seriousness, we do put our foot down on flaming. As authors, it is hard for them/you/us to be objective when considering what someone has said about our story. If you feel strongly that you have been flamed, please notify an admin. We will look into the matter and render the best decision we can.

Q. I would like to see a request to reviewers on the home page to actually review a chapter and not just kidnap the thread to talk about themselves.

A. If this happens let an admin (or Metamuse) know about it, so it can be deleted. The review section is for the stories; it is not for personal conversation. We have forums for that.

Wannabe Admin, but the other Admins kick me out of the sand box to play with the technical and managerial aspects of the site.
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